Thursday, January 21, 2016

R.I.P. Travis J. Best

It's hard to know what is appropriate to post about here. A fellow surfer, marketer, and someone I met through participating in a team challenge just over a year ago has passed away. Someone I have been in contact with (except during recent advanced illness he suffered) ever since doing a month long challenge with Tony Tezak in December 2014.

A family member got on Travis' Facebook account to let people know that he passed away early this week (on January 18th or 19th). 

Since Travis and I surfed together a lot after the challenge last year, he is my sponsor in a number of traffic exchange sites and money earning programs. It is awful strange to log in and see his avatar/profile pic and know I won't get a skype message, email or internal message on common sites anymore.

I know Travis went weekly for dialysis treatments. Curiously, there were times when he still skyped some messages across while he was sitting, waiting for dialysis treatments to complete. He really was working hard online to try and figure out all this money making business - in part, so he could afford better health related treatments, a better, more healthy lifestyle, etc. 

I'm sure there are a lot of sponsees out there who were in contact with Travis daily until recently who will miss him very much. He and I had some differences in our pathways and programs a couple of months back and stopped promoting the same programs but I always expected to meet this guy one day while we were both on our similarly arranged money making pathways, enjoying - finally - some monetary successes for all our hard work.

Although I found out about his passing yesterday, the news didn't really hit me until today when I realized how many programs we had in common and that he is - was - my sponsor in many. As I logged in to surf, there was Travis' face or name in many of my dashboards, listed as "Sponsor."

Rest in peace, Travis J. Best! No dialysis or money struggles tomorrow - or ever now. I hope your family, friends, all of your sponsees/online friends will gather and celebrate your life as well as hang together to support each other. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Special Surf Day: Sunday at Click Voyager

For a couple of weeks in a row now, I have forgotten to post about Click Voyager's regular special Sunday surfing bonus - a free 7 day upgrade for surfing 250 pages on Sunday.

I think a lot of people are unaware of the regular special, so I think a reminder belongs on a blog about traffic and clicks.

Click Voyager has been around for years. And years and years. It's one of the oldest TEs I know of and I have been a member for YEARS - however - I didn't learn how to actually use TEs properly until more recently, in the past 18 months or so.

As well, with Click Voyager not topping any of the socially accepted TE Rating sites, I wasn't paying it much attention at all. I wasn't logging in often enough (until recently) to understand that Sunday surfing at this TE can ever so easily turn into a full week of a Silver level upgrade!

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooot - Just show me where to click! I'm ALL IN for a free upgrade! How about you? Want a free Silver upgrade? Keep that upgrade perpetual by surfing at Click Voyager regularly every Sunday!

You may have seen the image above as a web page during your surfing time at other sites. Well, click on that sucker the next time you see it while surfing and make sure you get a Click Voyager account and surf on Sundays!

Wait a minute - why not just join (if you're not already a member) via my link below:

(*Note - an ad will display from the link above before you get to my Click Voyager ref page)

If you are really opposed to viewing an ad first, try this link:

Sign up under teeray at Click Voyager

Another few tidbit points about this site:

Tidbit #1:

The credit currency is a bit different than what most people are used to. THIS has given the site a bad rap that is totally ridiculous and must be perpetuated by people who have only surfed at Click Voyager a time or two.

Click Voyager has a 10:1 ratio for free members. Yep, that's right - view 10 sites to gain 1 credit or 1 view to the site you wish to promote...  Now, HOLD ON!!!  Before you go running away...

I'll just say that - the games/prize pages at Click Voyager ROCK and entirely even out what looks like a rough credit currency. Many of the prize pages (If you win - sometimes you will lose - but often you will win) award upward of 10 credits per instance. It roughly works out to being similar with most of the other average credit currency systems out there that are 3:1 for free members. I often win anywhere from 10-60 credits on one of the "pick a box" pages.

Tidbit #2:

Splash page maker, Rotators and other tools on-site. Click Voyager has some cool tools. Check 'em out and USE THEM. I lot of sites don't have these things.

Tidbit #3:

Click Voyager is a site in the CSN (Cash Surfing Network) group that allows for cash views from the CSN page. Let me put that a different way. Surf to gain credits at Click Voyager - place the proper CSN link for viewing at Click Voyager and it's worth cash to your CSN account.

Paid TO Promote page at CSN + Click Voyager = Ca$H !!!

If you're already a member at Click Voyager and didn't know this stuff - GET SURFING - Especially on Sunday (and Monday - increased credits per view on Monday, every Monday).

I'll see you on the "upgrade winners" section next week!

Happy Click Voyager surfing. Enjoy your upgrade!


Friday, January 1, 2016

Last Payment for 2015

Okay, I know I'm posting this on New Years Day, 2016 - however - It's from the last month in 2015, from PERK (phone apps and website).

Yay... I actually received payment on New Years Day! I requested payment yesterday and expected to wait a week or so to receive the funds to my PayPal account.

I went against my relatively new decision and practice of trying to keep a substantial ($50 or more) payment in the form of credits/points within my programs and cashed out almost all my Perk points yesterday.

I decided a couple of months ago to bank credits/points in my phone app accounts in case I need emergency online funds via a quick cashout, however, with the New Year upon us, I realized that record-keeping from cleared accounts might be interesting as 2016 begins and proceeds. With my two fave phone/site programs, I'm almost at zero balance, and begin the year new to find out how much I can actually make in a year with my fave phone activities and programs.

Here's the screenshot, Perk payment:

Now when I go on the phone app center to see reviews or check my apps, I really cannot believe the complaints I see people posting. I work the Perk program fairly, have requested and received prompt payments; I have never waited more than a couple of days for any point conversion and cash payment to Paypal or Amazon.

There you have it - my last Perk earnings for 2015, paid out less than 24h after payment request made on New Years eve day. Paid on New Years Day, voila - a hundred smackers to forward into other earning programs online!