Friday, December 12, 2014

On an interactive learning curve...

A few days ago - just over a week ago, that is (On December 3, 2014) - I followed someone's twitter message/link and got myself into a whole bunch of BUSY...

The twitter message said that said a traffic exchange owner was giving away free upgrades, along with this in the twitterer's comment box:


The message also held a link to a spreecast that was in progress where a TE owner was, indeed, giving out free upgrades...

With a catch.

The catch is... that the people receiving the upgrades would work with the TE owner via skype over the next 30 days to promote and get TE referrals. In a "case study" akin to a 30 day challenge/contest.

The TE owner wanted to see how people are promoting - that is, everyday "Joes" and a couple of "Janes" - how people spend their time promoting TEs in TEs and other advertising and social sites...

The TE owner that gave me a 30 day upgrade is...


And I'm tryin' to get referrals at Tezak Traffic Power...

I'm learning a LOT from Tony Tezak's comments and suggestions in Skype chat and from other participants in the challenge/study...

For part of several days, participants have just been VIBRATING with energy, floating in and out of the skype chat that gets opened every day and closes whenever the last one of us that is awake falls off a chair haha. Sometimes there is grabbing of others' links, promoting others... it's pretty cool.

I'm slow off the mark but working steadily here - NO REFERRALS yet but I'm not sure this venture is going to be a "successful money-maker" but instead might just be one of those interactive learning curve experiences - and a good one.

I'll update again once I get a bit more TE pages viewed... and will also gather some links that fellow participants are working with, articles they're writing and sharing that are basically turning into a bunch of team work!


Thx, Janelle P, for getting me into this curve:

Janelle Pineau's Twitter Alert

it's after 1am in Canada, so I'll surf a bit and get some rest so I can view the AF webinar with fellow participants tomorrow!