Sometimes, for those who haven't firmly established steady and significant online earnings, one has to go back to what one knows to make money. That means sometimes a person goes back offline for a while to get things in order financially and in habit.
I have been so far away from regular online activities that I have a number of closed accounts due to inactivity. That's not such a big deal, actually, as it forces me to get really - REALLY - selective on which sites and programs I'm going to use as I come back to spend more focus and time online with money earning programs.
My fave programs are not in jeopardy due to non use and earnings haven't suffered the slightest while I went offline to do some school courses and participate in volunteer and piece work jobs.
The fave programs are phone apps - and I've continued monitoring those daily without fail.
While I was in "testing" mode a few years ago - and had some healthy concerns about the value of money earning phone app programs 2 to 3 years ago, I believe they've proven themselves as paying programs now.
I've got around $325.00 saved up across about 5 fave phone programs, stored in credits since I stopped spending long periods of time online doing marketing and mailing last winter - about 8 mo ago. That's not bad for programs where I'm literally just making sure my phone is running a program, so those programs are HERE TO STAY - rather - staying on my phones!
Now I'll get back to working out a promotion plan and email series to show others how to use the apps that literally just run vids to earn you credits. Those credits convert to paypal cash or to several common store gift cards for stores like Amazon, Bath & Body Works, Indigo Books, Cineplex, Starbucks, Footlocker, and many more.
I expect an email series and such with take a week or two to arrange and run in the background while I start posting more regularly.
I actually don't miss not having so many PTC programs to log into - especially since the Grandmother of PTCs, ClixSense - recently changed terms and model on that site. Clixsense no longer has PTCs click links to earn from - so the earnings there will be gained from higher levels of participation than just ptc clicking. There are surveys, tasks, etc - all the other things from before but PTC clicks and the click grid are gone now. Boo hoo.
Anyway - for several months I was definitely off again...
I am back now.
Happy marketing,